Dog Sweater Patterns (Raglan sleeve)
This dog sweater patterns with raglan sleeve (is a type of sleeve whose distinguishing characteristic is to extend in one piece fully to the collar, leaving a diagonal seam from underarm to collarbone) is often used in dog clothes.
Personally I like it so much because it gives a retro and sporting look to the clothes.

1-Keep in mind that this is a design to fit over the dog’s head so the fabric we use should be elastic.
2-With this pattern you can use fine fabrics for summer or thick fabrics for winter.
Here are some pictures of the dog jersey and at the end of the post you can download this dog sweater patterns for the size of your dog.

And here are the pictures of the fabric pieces according to the patterns:

Back pattern
I made it in two colors (pink and yellow) but the pattern is not prepared for that, it’s prepared to making just in one piece.

Chest pattern

The sleeves:
IMPORTANT: You have to cut the left sleeve opposite to the right sleeve, so cut the fabric with right sides facing.Like this you will get the right and the left sleeve.

Strip for the neck and a heart figure (optional) to decorate.
A picture of all the dog sweater patterns below:
Note that have to cut the back and chest pattern with the fabric folded in half, so when unfold the fabric will get the complete piece.

To sew the raglan sleeve this is the way recommended. First you have to sew the sides of the sleeve to the chest and to the back piece start from neckline all along the armscye line and stop when you reach the underarms zone. Finally sew the bottom parts of the sleeve together.

Attention: from size S to size XXL the patterns are split into 2 or more pages, have to print, cut out and join them together to get the entire pattern.
Important: please read this before printing the patterns:
How to measure your dog for clothing
Dog clothing sizing chart
Tips for printing patterns

I just recently downloaded this pattern and made one for my dog. It was easy and very cute. the only thing I would do to improve the pattern is to make sure and let novice seamstresses know is when you are cutting this out of anything with stretch to it that it needs to go across the garment, and that the neckband needs to have the stretch go across the long side of the band. I love this pattern! Now I have to make one for my sister's dog after she saw the one my dog had on!
the idea is great, but for the life of me I cant figure out how does the sleeves go, it took me some time to figure out you need to have two copies of the chest and back to make it, don't understand why it doesn't come in one pattern.
althought I couldn't make it, thanks , i'll learn how to sew properly before I try this, although it would be gret if you made a step by step on how all the pieces go together.
I agree with the step by step suggestion 🙂
help I need help to sew this togther? how do i put it all togther?
Hi! I just downloaded the small size pattern and was also confused as to how it all went together. The best way I can explain it to u is this way. Look at the sleeve diagram. notice that the sleeve is labeled on the top of diagram as neck, the side accordingly, one for the chest, which is the longer of the two, the short one sews onto the back. Now here comes the tricky part. notice that the diagram of the sleeve says SEW on both bottom sides of the sleeve. That means that those two parts are to be sewn to each other, but only after you have sewed the sides of the sleeve to the chest and back, but you have to stop when u reach the end of curve on the side of the chest/back. It took me like 4 hours to figure it out! I was sewing the whole sleeve onto the side of the chest and back, so it would not form the sleeve. I hope this helps.
thanks for the explanation!
of course first you have to sew the sides of the sleeve to the chest and back and after sew the bottom parts of the sleeve one to each other.This is the way most recommended!
OMG, thank you! I was super confused too.
Thank you very much for sharing the patterns…
The sizing chart is very useful but is it also possible to have the sizing chart in terms of kilograms??
thank you…
Thanks Mimi, your explanation was much better than mine.
I think that having the sizing chart to be in kg would only help if it was by different breed of the dog. You see, my dog is bigger than my friends, yet she is almost a kilogram lighter than her dogs! Different dogs have different masses in them, so the best way to size up your dog is to go and buy a tape measure and size your dog up. Or did you mean you wanted the sizing chart to be in cm? If that is the case, you could just Google "inches into cm" and that would help you to convert your cm in to inches, and then compare the measurements you took to the chart. Its fairly easy when you use the Google to help you. But if you DID mean kg, I know that some shops offer clothing by the weight of the dog, but in this case, you are making the clothing for your dog your self. In my opinion, this makes the clothing more accurate and fitting than the once sold in stores.
Truly an amazing page. I like what you've got in here. thanks for the share. Totally interesting indeed. thanks!
It's not that hard, once you cut it out, put back and front piece next to it, take the sleeve and role it about to see which side fits to back – sleeve cut. the cut is identical. pin it together and then role about the front side until it matches, pin together
Love this website – found via verypurpleperson. I wanted to ask how you go about finishing the seams at the bottom of the shirt? The neck line has binding, and the sleeves are straight – so that's easy, but the bottom is curved. How do you finish w/o binding for the bottom of sweater? Thank you very much for sharing these wonderful patterns.
Thank you so much for the idea. I use this pattern an pants… alter them to fit my dogs sizes (I can't buy in store because my dogs sizes are in between sizes, can't fit them, so I have to make)… I have made PJs, jumpers, sweaters, dresses…. and many others…
Could someone tell me how to sew the pink band under the arm? Is there a missing pattern piece that I need to add to the back to make the vertical pink band? Or is it just decorative piece that I sew on top?
Is there a way to make this without the raglan sleeves? I have Shih Tzus, and they have short legs, so I like to leave clothes legless. Thanks 🙂
Love your patterns! I made several shirts for my Chihuahua out of my old T-shirts and they are adorable. Great patterns, simple and easy to put together ~ thanks for sharing!
Also I see you are confused about needing two front and back pieces. What you do is fold the fabric in half and line up the side that says FOLD on the fold of the fabric, then when you cut it out and open it up it will be a whole piece. Make sure you have the stretch of the fabric going across the pattern.
Any tips on altering the patterns? The neck measurements are a bit too small for me. What would be the best way to make the neck bigger?
I also have a question about alteration. I'm sewing for a French bulldog and their necks and heads are so large that the patterns do not fit correctly. So far I have only had success with the M Stewart patterns that are sized specifically for frenchies. Any help would be appreciated
Just use the t-shirt pattern instead and use whatever material – IE fleece – for the sweater.
First, thank you so much. I really want to get some patterns for my dogs! Now, I can make several clothes maybe. Actually it's too hard to understand this page. Becasue I'm Korean and I'm not good at Eng.
So I have some questions and I need your help!
My dog's size is L. So I downloaded L-pattern. But I think it's not fit the L size. Because on your chart, chest of L is 42. But the size of pattern is too big. It is 50 maybe.
I cnt understand what is problem. Is my printer's problem? I need your help! If you can help me, plz write in easy Eng.. I dont know difficult word. Plz help me for my dogs!!
Welcome Doori,
I don't know your dog's chest measurement but please note that:
size L chest is 21 inches (53cm) on the chart, and pattern is about 3-5 cm bigger.
So if your dog's chest is smaller than 53cm then please try with size M 17.5 inches (45cm)
hope it helps!!
Been making these for Shelter Pups and Shelter Survivor Pups for awhile now.. THANK YOU for sharing… LOVE THIS PATTERN!! FAST and EASY!!
this is such a cute design. I used an old bathrobe as the material. soooo cute.
thanks for the pattern , have a ten pound chihuahua , love making clothes for her
I just made the XXL pattern for my Husky. I might have to modify it a bit to get the perfect fit but it looks great on my Mom's Boxer. This is the best pattern I have found for a large breed dog so far, even better than the one that I bought at the fabric store.
Thanks for the pattern! I did the XS and it took me about 45 minutes. Rather than putting on the neck from the pattern I used a cuff for pjs as the neck because it's a really small dog and I didn't want it to be too loose.
I love this pattern. thanks soooo much. It's inspired me to head back to sewing after alot of unfinished mistakes! All the answers to the questions help sooo much too.
Made it, thanks, quick and easy with a few adjustments to fit my mini Yorky. The only raglan sleeve pattern on the net.
OK, I found the correct place to download the pattern by liking on Facebook. There are just so many other big green download buttons for software. Must be some kind of advertising. Just have to go buy some more ink for my printer so I can print the pattern.
Made your fitted sleeve Dog Sweater yesterday and loved it but today made the Raglan Sleeve one in 30 minutes, fits my Shih Tzu (used Med) great. She hates being brushed and I find her harness causes snarls and knots on her chest these shirts will be worn under her harness and give her fur protection. Thank you for the patterns