Dog cap pattern
Spring is coming, and the eyes of our little pets should be protected from the heat and bright sunlight, so here I let you a free dog cap patterns to make easy and pretty caps for your dog. In this picture you can see the result:

The patterns to make this dog cap are two: the cap (head) and the visor. You have to cut two pieces of each pattern to make the visor double and the head part with lining.
To get the visor part rigid place a piece of waterproof cardboard or some fine plastic or other rigid material between the fabric layers. Or you can simply use thick fabric as I did.
This is a preview of the patterns (the right side in black). Please note that you have to cut the two patterns pieces on the fold, so that you can get the entire two patterns: cap and visor.

First, take the head’s outer layer and sew the middle top seam. Do the same with the head’s lining layer.
Sew the two layers of the head (outer layer and lining) with right sides facing together (except the zone where the head goes attached to the visor) and turn right side out.
Sew the two visor pieces together with right sides facing together (except the zone where the visor goes attached to the head) and turn right side out.
Now sew, with right sides facing together, the outer layer of the visor with the outer layer of the head to attach the head to the visor.
Sew a ribbon to the loose edge of the inner layer of the visor.
Finally, topstitch or sew by hand the loose edge of the ribbon (sewed to the visor) with the loose edge of the inner layer of the head (lining).
Optional: Edge-stitch all around the cap to flat the seams. And you are done!
The seam at the top of the cap gives the rounded shape of the head. And this is the way I’ve sewn the string. This is my way but you can do it in other ways as you can see in pics below. I’ve used elastic.

The string should be as long as your dog needs.
Download free dog cap patterns in three sizes below:
Important: please read this before printing the patterns:
How to measure your dog for clothing
Dog clothing sizing chart
Tips for printing patterns

Wow, how creative! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much! looking for this only!
Hi Mimi
Do not think you realize that the XL-XXL pattern downloads as the M-L size, so we do not get the Biggest size. I really appreciate your making this pattern..thankyou !
the caps are cool. i have a tiny hairless pup and she could use one of these, thanks for posting…i'm gonna try it! beth
hey can you post a pattern for doggie jeans. 4 a class
I know this sounds super crazy but Is there any way you can write out instructions? I am such a crazy visual person I can't figure it out any other way 🙁
I have a white albino cat who can't go out on the deck without her eyes shaded and her forehead covered. I've tried to make something but couldn't get it to fit. I think this will do it. I do have to figure out how to cover her ears, however, as they also burn and blister. She loves the sun so much I hate to make her stay inside all the time. I hope this works.
You might want to use childrens/baby sunscreen (non-toxic) on her ears. This is recommended for all pets that go in the sun a lot. The tips of the ears and the nose are easily sunburned.
ok silly question and I probably just missed the link but are there sewing instructions or what to use for a string or straps? I think I got it figured out just wanted to see if I was missing a link here on the web, thanks can't wait to make some up for my fur kids and foster fur kids
This is so great,we have 5 furry friends in our home. An albino chi,american pure white german shepard,a sharpei / husky,a blk snouzzer,& a queensland heeler they love wearing cloths,so i like sewing for them .its cost saving for me.
Does anyone knows how long to cut the strings?
In the yellow cap pictures. It shows attatched to back and I think it goes thru a little loop at each corner of visor and extra lentgh to place down below jaw like baby hats. The green camo doesn't show the jaw piece. Please let me know and Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful project!!!!!
I was wondering, how do you make the visor stay up, so it doesn't fall in my dog's face?
And the sizing chart you made, It said my dog was an XXL, and the XL is too large on her 🙁
O.K. so I don't see the post explaining about the strings either. Would you please re-post? Thank you!
need more information about the strings, length, placement
In regards to the straps and the placement of them, it appears to be best judged by you and your dog/pet's ears.
The white dog pictured above has ears that can go through the straps and secure the hat on your pet.
As you can see in the other picture, the bull dogs ears would not be able to keep the hat on securely. If your pet has smaller ears you would need to have the chin or jaw strap to keep the hat secured.
Looking again at the pictures, the camo hat style looks to be universal. I am going to try to make that style.
I did two hats and they turned out adorable! They were tiny, lol. I used a small toggle so I could adjust the size. Natasha Zahn above, is absolutely correct in that every dogs ears are different, so "universal" string placement, length doesnt work. I made a template first and tested on my dogs..then finished it up. Love them, they are sweet!
Hi Mimi, I am trying to make a dog cap for my toy poodles. Could I use elastic for around the ears? I am a little confused about what kind of straps you are talking about. Please let me know what would be the best. Thanks
Try as I may, I am having trouble figuring these patterns out. I sincerely wish you would post more extensive directions. I'm not stupid, but I'm also not a seasoned sewere. I would love to make these hats, but after struggling for a week, I'm ready to give up!
Would love step by step instructions and also measurements. Even basic S – M- L measurements would be great, we can always adjust if needed. Also how do you do the straps on the caps, need instructions for that as well..Thanks – Linda
love the dog hat or hat for dogs…
I actually love all the patterns on your website, you've been bookmarked – you give me inspiration and great ideas. I make and sell dog clothing at – Whirly Dog Supplies and I am always looking for new fun and exciting ideas related to dog clothes.
Thanks so much!
The hat is soooo adorable… but I bet it would stay on my dog's head just few seconds. She hates being dressed and she has magnificent talent to get rid of any cloth I dress her in, but…. I will go on trying:)
Thank you so much for posting this!!
It took me a doing it once and working out some kinks but the second hat came out great, if anyine is stuck I wouldnt mind posting some instructions via email 🙂 Im by no means an expert seamstres more of a experinced novice? is that possible? 🙂 I learn by doing and watching so this was a challenge with no instructions but I did it!
Making a bunch for a bunch of shelter fur friends!!
Will you email me some instructions. I am a novice sewer and want to figure out how to make a hat. Thanks.
Hi How do you measure your dog so I know what size cap to make?
If you could give me some idea on what to do with this pattern I would be very grateful. I just really don't get it??
Sorry didn't leave email.
Could you email me the instructions on how to put this cap together? i don't see any instructions. Thanks…
Nice! Thx Mimi…
خيلى متشكرم براى اين الگوى جالب كلاه كه نشان داده ايد . اما بسيار بهتر بود اگر در كنار اين الگو اندازه ى آنرا هم به سانتيمتر و يا اينچ نشان ميداديد تا اندازه هاى دقيقترى به دست مى آمد .
thank u
Love this cap! Now if I can get my chihuahua to keep it on!
Kelly, would you mind emailing me instructions on the dog cap. Thanks so much.
I would love to have step by step instructions on making this hat
Thank you so much for all the patterns. Lovely
I love this idea! Thanks for sharing. I want to make some for the local animal shelter.